Resources & Programs for Employers

Resources & Programs for Employers

CareerSource Pasco Hernando provides invaluable services designed to enhance your bottom line:

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Business Service Consultants (BSC)

Employers located in the Pasco-Hernando region will be provided with a personally assigned business services consultant (BSC), who will be the employer’s point of contact, assisting the employer in using CareerSource Pasco Hernando services and facilities.

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Employer Job Postings

CareerSource Pasco Hernando will post job specifications on the web, advertising openings for local, state and national exposure. Jobs are posted on:

Job Processing

Posting a Job Order sets off a chain of events geared to finding the best applicants as quickly as possible. Job orders can be posted via website, e-mail or fax. A customer services representative performs an applicant match. Qualified applicants are then given a referral, along with the employer’s contact instructions. Once a candidate is hired, the employer notifies CareerSource Pasco Hernando to update their job listing.

Click Here to Fill Out Your Job Order Form Today!
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Conference & Business Facilities

The BSC coordinates use of CareerSource Pasco Hernando’s facilities for the employers, including staff support and assistance, and private interview rooms. Please allow ample time for scheduling.


Depending on your staffing needs, CareerSource Pasco Hernando may be able to help you qualify for tax breaks and/or hiring incentives. For example, employers who hire or have committed to employ those receiving temporary family assistance under the Welfare Transition (WT) program may qualify to receive benefits such as reductions and/or credits on sales, plus corporate and other taxes. In addition, under the Work Supplementation program, worker’s benefits can be paid directly to the worker’s employer.

These employment programs can greatly benefit your business–especially when you consider that:

  • 76 percent of the WT participants have had workplace experience.

  • About half have completed high school (or GED) or received postsecondary education.

  • WT participants have received Job Readiness training.

Workplace Information

Please click through the tabs below to learn more about our services

For up-to-date information on building or restructuring your workforce, check these links:

HR news Current issues in HR from the Wall Street Journal.

Resource Guide for Employers Links to useful HR-related sources (commercial site).

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) The world’s largest association devoted to human resource management provides the most essential and comprehensive resources available

For current information on Employer Unemployment Compensation, visit the Department of Economic Opportunity Employer Unemployment link.

A study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) noted the following statistics in their “Stress at Work” report:

One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives.

Three-fourths of employees believe the worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago.

Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than any other life stressors–more so than even financial problems or family problems.

Click here to read the full “Stress at Work” report–which includes information about the causes, effects, and prevention of job stress. In addition, the following links provide valuable insight:

WebMD’s “Stressed Out” section covers it all–impact of stress on health, warning signs, plus stress management news and advice. Or jump directly to the WebMD Stress Assessment Test.

Tobacco free worksites protect employees from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, can encourage current tobacco users to reduce their use, and help those who are trying to quit. It’s an opportunity for employers to reduce the negative impact of tobacco on their employees and their business.

Tobacco Free Florida

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 84 percent of human resource professionals at Fortune 500 companies say their top-level executives think diversity management is important. At organizations outside of the Fortune 500, 67 percent of human resource professionals said diversity management is important to their organizations’ high-level executives.

Today’s leading employers know that the successful management of a diverse workforce is critical in order to maintain a competitive business advantage. For current information on diversity and related issues, see:

Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) diversity page – This useful link includes a broad range of information, including updates on diversity training, networks, measuring results, and retention.

For up-to-date information on building or restructuring your workforce, check these links:

HR news Current issues in HR from SHRM professionals.

Resource Guide for Employers Links to useful HR-related sources (commercial site).

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) The world’s largest association devoted to human resource management provides the most essential and comprehensive resources available

For current information on Employer Unemployment Compensation, visit the Florida Commerce Employer Unemployment link.

A study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) noted the following statistics in their “Stress at Work” report:

One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives.

Three-fourths of employees believe the worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago.

Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than any other life stressors–more so than even financial problems or family problems.

Click here to read the full “Stress at Work” report–which includes information about the causes, effects, and prevention of job stress. In addition, the following links provide valuable insight:

WebMD’s “Stressed Out” section covers it all–impact of stress on health, warning signs, plus stress management news and advice. Or jump directly to the WebMD Stress Assessment Test.

Tobacco free worksites protect employees from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, can encourage current tobacco users to reduce their use, and help those who are trying to quit. It’s an opportunity for employers to reduce the negative impact of tobacco on their employees and their business.

Tobacco Free Florida

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 84 percent of human resource professionals at Fortune 500 companies say their top-level executives think diversity management is important. At organizations outside of the Fortune 500, 67 percent of human resource professionals said diversity management is important to their organizations’ high-level executives.

Today’s leading employers know that the successful management of a diverse workforce is critical in order to maintain a competitive business advantage. For current information on diversity and related issues, see:

Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) diversity page – This useful link includes a broad range of information, including updates on diversity training, networks, measuring results, and retention.

For up-to-date information on building or restructuring your workforce, check these links:

HR news Current issues in HR from the Wall Street Journal.

Resource Guide for Employers Links to useful HR-related sources (commercial site).

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) The world’s largest association devoted to human resource management provides the most essential and comprehensive resources available

For current information on Employer Unemployment Compensation, visit this Department of Economic Opportunity Employer Unemployment link.

In addition, the Short Time Compensation Program permits prorated unemployment compensation benefits to employees whose work hours and earnings are reduced as part of an STC plan to avoid total layoff of some employees.

A study by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) noted the following statistics in their “Stress at Work” report:

One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives.

Three-fourths of employees believe the worker has more on-the-job stress than a generation ago.

Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than any other life stressors–more so than even financial problems or family problems.

Click here to read the full “Stress at Work” report–which includes information about the causes, effects, and prevention of job stress. In addition, the following links provide valuable insight:

WebMD’s “Stressed Out” section covers it all–impact of stress on health, warning signs, plus stress management news and advice. Or jump directly to the WebMD Stress Assessment Test.

Tobacco free worksites protect employees from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, can encourage current tobacco users to reduce their use, and help those who are trying to quit. It’s an opportunity for employers to reduce the negative impact of tobacco on their employees and their business.

Tobacco Free Florida

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 84 percent of human resource professionals at Fortune 500 companies say their top-level executives think diversity management is important. At organizations outside of the Fortune 500, 67 percent of human resource professionals said diversity management is important to their organizations’ high-level executives.

Today’s leading employers know that the successful management of a diverse workforce is critical in order to maintain a competitive business advantage. For current information on diversity and related issues, see:

Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) diversity page – This useful link includes a broad range of information, including updates on diversity training, networks, measuring results, and retention.

Labor Market & Salary Information

Before you begin hiring, make a point of carefully defining your needs and then gaining a realistic understanding of labor market trends within your industry – essential steps on the way to attracting qualified candidates.

Meeting — New Port Richey, FL — CareerSource Pasco Hernando

In addition, the following links provide valuable market and salary information that can help you prepare to make crucial hiring decisions:

Labor Market & Salary Information

Before you begin hiring, make a point of carefully defining your needs and then gaining a realistic understanding of labor market trends within your industry – essential steps on the way to attracting qualified candidates.

Meeting — New Port Richey, FL — CareerSource Pasco Hernando

In addition, the following links provide valuable market and salary information that can help you prepare to make crucial hiring decisions:

Tax Credit & Bonding

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program

    The Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program (WOTC) offers private for profit employers an opportunity to earn a federal income tax credit for hiring individuals from certain target groups. The program is also designed to help jobseekers who consistently have a particularly high unemployment rate, enter employment. By hiring individuals from these targeted groups, employers can reduce their taxes up to $2,400 or $4,800 during the first year of employment or up to $9,000 over two years, depending on the qualified applicant.

    The targeted groups are: Qualified Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Recipients, Qualified Veterans/Disabled Veterans, Qualified Ex-felons, Designated Community Residents, Vocational Rehabilitation Referrals, Qualified Summer Youths, Qualified Food Stamp Recipients, Qualified Supplemental Security Income Recipients and Long-Term Family Assistance Recipients.

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 expand WOTC to include two new targeted groups: disconnected youth and unemployed veteran.

    WOTC Online Resource Center


  • Federal Bonding Program

    The Purpose of the Federal Bonding Program is:

    • To assist ex-offenders and other at-risk persons with questionable backgrounds secure jobs, which might be denied employment due to their previous personal or employment history.
    • To help protect employers from loss of money or property, due to dishonest actions of the potential employee.
    • The bonding program is a tool for marketing an applicant to prospective employers.

    Bonding Program Benefits for the Employer:

    • Bond coverage is provided at no cost to the employer as an incentive to hire hard to place job applicants.
    • The bond coverage is in effect the day the new employee begins work with duration of six months.
    • The employer gets the worker’s skills and abilities without taking the risk of potential theft or dishonesty.
    • There are no documents to sign or paperwork to complete.
    • The bond has no deductible and reimburses the employer for any loss due to employee theft within the specified six-month period.

    Who Qualifies for Bonding?

    Individuals who are not commercially bondable due to past questionable behavior which casts doubt upon their credibility or honesty, or who have committed fraudulent or dishonest acts are eligible. This includes:

    • Ex-offenders, including anyone with a record of arrest, conviction or imprisonment.
    • Those with a poor financial credit history or who have declared bankruptcy.
    • Ex-addicts with history of alcohol or drug abuse.
    • Those who have been dishonorably discharged from the Armed Forces.
    • Persons lacking a work history from low-income families.

    Job Requirements:

    • The employer must have a specific date set for the applicant to begin work.
    • The applicant must be of legal working age.
    • The position will be one where the applicant will work at least 30 hours of steady work per week for period a of six months. Federal taxes must be automatically deducted from the check.
    • Ensure that the job is suitable for the applicant.
    • Example: An individual convicted of drug abuse should not be placed where drugs are readily accessible like a pharmacy or hospital.
    • Self-employed and/or franchised individuals are not eligible.

    Coverage Amounts:

    • Bonds are issued in increments of $5,000 for a period of six months.
    • The maximum amount is $25,000.
    • $ 5000 is generally sufficient to cover most circumstances.
    • Coverage is based on the level potential or estimated risk to the employer for financial loss, which could result from dishonest acts by the individual while on the job (excluding vehicles).
    • Bonds in excess of $5000 should be limited to individuals who may steal/destroy more than $5,000 in money or property at one time. The employer should base a bond request in excess of $5,000 upon reasonable justification.

    Bond Information:

    • Bonds can be issued to any employer regardless of whether the company has or has not commercially purchased a Fidelity Bond.
    • Specific coverage includes theft, forgery, larceny or embezzlement. Bonds do not provide coverage for situations due to poor workmanship, job injuries or work accidents.
    • It is not a bail bond, court bond, contract bond, performance bond or license bond.
    • Bonds are not transferable from one employer to another.

    Coverage Process:

    Visit any CareerSource Pasco Hernando Center or email to inquire about and/or apply for the bonding program.

    • Eligibility will be determined and employment information for a bona fide job offer will be verified, and a bond form completed by an employment counselor.
    • A letter will be sent to the employer confirming the bond. The letter includes the name of the job seeker for whom the bond is being issued, bond effective date, amount and period of coverage, etc. This letter confirms the bond in advance of receipt of the actual Fidelity Bond, which is mailed to the employer.

    Click HERE for more info on the Federal Bonding Program

Training Awards & Resources

Training grants available through CareerSource Florida:

  • Customized Training

    Customized Training

    Customized Training provides grant funding for customized training for businesses that have been operating in the state of Florida for at least one year. It is designed to reimburse approved local businesses up to half of their eligible training costs. It helps businesses:

    • To advance their current employees’ wages and positions
    • Enhance employees’ productivity and work quality
    • Build employees’ loyalty and decrease employee turnover
    • Allow businesses to remain competitive

  • Quick Response Training (QRT)

    Quick Response Training (QRT), provides grant funding for customized training for new or expanding businesses. Through this customer-driven program, Florida is able to effectively retain and attract businesses creating new high-quality jobs.

  • Incumbent Worker Training

    Incumbent Worker Training

    Incumbent Worker Training provides grant funding for customized training for existing for profit businesses. Through this customer-driven program, Florida is able to effectively retain and keep businesses competitive through upgrade skills training for existing full-time employees.

    Upgrade your existing team’s skills to improve retention and advancement in your company, with financial assistance provided through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA).

    Training program benefits include:

    •  Increased Competitiveness

    •  Increased Skilled Workforce

    •  Increased Productivity

    •  Company Growth

    •  Reduced Turnover

    Have questions? Please contact one of our Business Services Consultants below:

    Hernando County

    Steve Wilson

    Pasco County

    Carlos Acevedo

    Marianne Brawer

Contact Us Today!

Please complete the form below and our team will be in contact with business solutions that help you

hire, train, and retain talent.

Contact Us

Business Services Survey

As your local WorkForce board, we are interested in how to best serve our community. One way we try to keep our fingers on the pulse of the business community is through this survey. We want to hear about what services you and your business find important. Please take a few moments to tell us how we can help. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.

Business Services Survey

As your local WorkForce board, we are interested in how to best serve our community. One way we try to keep our fingers on the pulse of the business community is through this survey. We want to hear about what services you and your business find important. Please take a few moments to tell us how we can help. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.

To find out more about how CareerSource Pasco Hernando can benefit your business, email: or call 727-484-3400,

 352-200-3020 or

 813-377-1300, option 2.

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