Our New Port Richey office will be closed January 25, 2023 and will resume normal business hours tomorrow.
Frequently Asked Questions
Important Notice: COVID-19
CareerSource Pasco Hernando offices are open for walk-ins, however if you experience any symptoms or are experiencing quarantine (we follow CDC guidelines) then please contact us at 727-484-3400 ext. 3023 for assistance over the telephone. If you have specific questions about reemployment assistance, contact DEO directly at 833-352-7759 or online at https://floridajobs.org/Reemployment-Assistance-Service-Center/reemployment-assistance/claimants
*For assistance from the career center for work registration please email us at RA@CareerSourcePascoHernando.com
Important Notice: COVID-19
CareerSource Pasco Hernando offices are open by appointment only, please contact us at
(727) 484-3378 or email
to reserve a public use computer at the resource room at any one of our (3) locations.
As COVID-19 continues to impact communities across our state, more and more Floridians are continuing to file for Reemployment Assistance. In order to help accommodate the increased volume of claims, Florida Commerce launched a new, mobile-friendly online application. This new system uploads data into the CONNECT system.
We realize there are higher than normal wait times and/or that you may not get through on the first try. However, CareerSource Pasco Hernando is here to help in any way we possibly can during this time. Please feel free to give us a call at (813)377-1300 ext. 3023, as we may be able to help answer your questions and/or point you in the right direction.
The pandemic has changed our resources and accessibilities within our communities across our state, many Floridians are using various online tools, and web based applications to find valuable resources. In order to help accommodate the increased volume of calls, frequently asked questions, and guidance for online web-based applications for assistance, the following resources are available:
Reemployment Assistance from the Florida Commerce
Reemployment Assistance Center
Reemployment Assistance Claimant Resources
While CareerSource Pasco Hernando does NOT manage, process, or submit claims or benefit applications for Reemployment Assistance, assistance with your resume, job search, and work registration is available. If you need assistance with your claim for reemployment assistance then please contact (833)352-7759 or visit http://floridajobs.org/help-center—contact-us
If you need assistance with your work registration or with a career services session during your required work search period, then please contact the local office of CareerSource Pasco Hernando (727)484-3400 or email at RA@CareerSourcePascoHernando.com
While CareerSource Pasco Hernando does NOT submit or process benefit applications for Public Assistance, assistance with your resume, job search, and work registration is available. If you need assistance with your benefit application then please contact (850)300-4323 or visit
Log In for One Stop Service Tracking System (OSST)
If you need assistance with your work registration or with a career center appointment, then please contact the local office of CareerSource Pasco Hernando (727)484-3400.
Thank you for visiting our website, please take a moment to look at our featured pages.
To Learn More about WIOA and other Funding Opportunities Available,
Visit Assistance Programs Today!
Phone: (727) 484-3400
Address: 4440 Grand Boulevard, New Port Richey, FL, 34652
Phone: (727) 484-3400 • Email: info@careersourcepascohernando.com • Address: 4440 Grand Boulevard, New Port Richey, FL, 34652
CareerSource Pasco Hernando is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this website may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.